Commack High School Varsity Softball vs Central Islip

A convincing 18-0 win by the Commack softball team over Central Islip. Way to start off a season.

When you have a lopsided score like this it’s great for getting photos of hitters but not so great for getting photos of fielders. I managed to get a shot of the few balls that were hit by the opposing team but, otherwise, most of the photos of the fielders are of them standing around looking “prepared”. That’s show biz.

The sun was coming in low and bright from the first base side so these are pretty contrasty photos. Since the batters are facing away from the light I needed to lighten the shadows on their faces in post. After I got home I realized I forgot to get some shots of the new scoreboard so I’ll have to pick that up next time.


Commack High School Girls Varsity Lacrosse vs. William Floyd


Commack High School Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Smithtown West